Mavens With Moustaches

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Weekend Roundup: The Big Rainy Date Edition

I HATE Mondays..only because I enjoy my weekends sooooooo very much when we are all together!  I love cooking for my large and happy family...I love tucking every kid in...even Johnny still...I know..but he humors me!  I also LOVE daydreaming with my husband about the bun in the oven! I love tackling our home projects and even grocery shopping together.  I am so grateful that I have such an amazing and grateful man by my side to share this all with.

 Grateful that I had my best day at the show this week..and I almost didn't go...whew..met some great ladies from Oregon who were on vacation and in the mood to shop! ;)
 My lil bump growing and growing...can barely see my toms peeping out!
 My neighbor at work...can I be any luckier...and there was a mama and baby cute!!!  The baby nursed all morning!!!!
 Chasing my Mexican cravings with my CONFUSED looking Bella Bear...
 Another bump shot!
 On a date with my love...we were lucky enough to have the Babysitter Extrodinaire Paige watch the kiddos for a couple of hours...and we will make sure to squeeze in as many dates as we can before baby #4 comes!
 In line for the movie..why so empty you ask?  We were the only humans on the planet not watching The Hunger Games on that cozy rainy Sunday Afternoon...

 LOOOOOOKKKK!!!!!! I got to wear a wedge and feel sassy for my hubby!
 But the rain forced my boots to come out...
 While Bella was at ballet and Johnn at the movies...we visted The DEPOT tackling one of many ideas and projects before baby arrives...can't wait to share...
 Walking up and down the aisles...

 So Pretty...which did we choose?
 There he is...
 Got CHA!!!
 Don't tell Bella because she will shank us..but while we waited for her to get out of ballet we HAD to get our yogurt fix in!!!
 Oh...LOOK another baby bump....

I dont know how..but we also managed to get in a trip to Ikea AND haircuts for the boys...we are quite the possee and numbers don't seem to slow us down...we will see once baby arrives!

The End


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