Mavens With Moustaches

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My heart is going pitter patter for...

At this very moment... on this very day my heart goes pitter patter for so much I have to say.

This amazing bookcase....

This googly-eyed pumpkin...

This sandwich that I have decided to re-create for Bella's lunch...

This darlings fresh new haircut...

OH DEAR LORD...these adorable Tom Shoes for Mateo...I want some to..Dear Faux birthday is coming up!

Watching my Faux Hubby Jamas run home with Mateo in tow....
Mateo falling asleep in the morning on my run...and in the evening on Daddy's run...
This inspiring wall....
And this ROCKER....God has blessed you with a musical gift....and God has blessed me with you.

1 comment:

  1. is that your bookcase? because if it is who, how, what, where did you get it? and i love the haircut. she looks like a little latin annie. and i mean that in a good way. i love annie. i have always wanted to be her. and yes, tom's please!
