Give me a moment while I wipe my heart s both happy and sad. My lil Mateo is almost 1 and although I am excited and proud and soooooo very grateful that God blessed us with another HEALTHY, HAPPY and FUNNY lil's also kinda sad he is growing up so fast!
A lot of teeth |
standing on his "own" |
First Gymboree class |
Carved first pumpkin |
Mommy and Daddy got married |
I was their ring bearer |
It was a HUGE month for our Mateo...both personally and milestone-ally...haha...this month Mateo:
STARTED cute!!!!! (i think he has daddys moves..ehehee)
Talking up a STORM..saying dada, mama, bear (bea), fish (ish)
He is pointing
waving Hi and Bye to everyone he locks eyes with.
Standing on his own for bits at a time
EATING everything
Biting EVERYTHING (and by everything I mean me...totally me...with his 6 HUGE teeth)
We have discovered all of his tickle spots
He has fallen in love with balloons and globes...and pumpkins..just like mama
WE are so head over heels in love...I CANNOT imagine my life without this kid...he brings us all just soooo much happiness...we love you our sweet lil owl!