Mavens With Moustaches

Friday, August 10, 2012

Our Blueberry....37 weeks

So here I am in all my sexy glory...I know..I can so much beauty and sexiness be bottled up into one woman...I don't know..I just am!

This is pretty much the way you will find me whenever (and obviously) wherever I am...I could fall asleep at the drop of a hat!!!!

PHOTO CREDIT to my sneaky daughter.

I think we are all ready to go...everything is washed and the bags are packed...and as happy and excited as I am ...this week I had a smidgen of fear come up inside me...I remembered the PAIN that comes along with my glorious c hurts so much!  Those first few days ...especially the first time up feels like hell on I'm just a lil scared...BUT...been there 3 times before...I can do it again...and especially when I have a lil burrito staring up at me!!!!  I am sooooo happy!

Thanks again to all my sweet friends who helped me celebrate Cruz impending arrival..and also for all my friends who couldn't make it but send me their well wishes all the time.  I love you all!

T MINUS 18 days


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